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Divide and Conquer by Edward Loke - Blue to Red
Condition: New product
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Αγοράζοντας αυτό το προϊόν μπορείτε να μαζέψετε μέχρι και 4 πόντοι επιβράβευσης. Το καλάθι σου θα είναι συνολικά 4 πόντοι επιβράβευσης που μπορούν να μετασχηματιστούν σε κουπόνι αξίας 0,40 €.
More info
Divide and Conquer is a visually stunning color changing card that changes not only once, but THREE times!
It can be executed with a multitude of different methods, bringing your color changing card effect to the next level.
It was also used in Singapore’s Fantabulous Magic Challenge and won first place in the parlour category.
Included in the instructions are:
- The Zone Charge.
- The Zone Charge 2.0
- The Throw Change.
- The Heck Change.
- The Shoe Change.
- The Behind the Back Change.
- The Teleportation System Routine.
• JL magic quality.
• The video instruction are in English, but easily understandable by anybody thanks to the clear video.
NOTE: Gimmick supplied for Blue back to Red back.