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Crystal Deck - OMNI DECK
Condition: New product
Αγοράζοντας αυτό το προϊόν μπορείτε να μαζέψετε μέχρι και 2 πόντοι επιβράβευσης. Το καλάθι σου θα είναι συνολικά 2 πόντοι επιβράβευσης που μπορούν να μετασχηματιστούν σε κουπόνι αξίας 0,20 €.
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A chosen card is placed in the middle of the deck but, with a snap of the fingers, it magically jumps on top! The effect is repeated again.
A second card is chosen, signed and returned to the deck that is then placed in the hands of the spectator. The signed card appears on top and is then placed in the magician's pocket. Another snap of the fingers and the signed card reappears again on top of the deck!
To finish all the cards in the deck will disappear leaving a solid block of transparent Plexiglas in the hands of the stunned spectator!
• The effect requires no reset and is always ready to do.
• Beyond a basic card technique, it does not require other manipulations. You can learn the routine in 10 minutes.
• The special transparent plastic deck - made with Plexiglas precision - is for poker size cards.
The color of the box, supplied to keep the block, could vary from the one shown in the photo. No deck supplied.
Note: For those unfamiliar with basic card techniques or for those who want to make their life simple, we suggest using: Bicycle - Half & Half Forcing Deck - Blue back.
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