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Magnetic ring 19mm & 20mm Dark line
Condition: New product
Αγοράζοντας αυτό το προϊόν μπορείτε να μαζέψετε μέχρι και 1 πόντος επιβράβευσης. Το καλάθι σου θα είναι συνολικά 1 πόντος επιβράβευσης που μπορούν να μετασχηματιστούν σε κουπόνι αξίας 0,10 €.
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EFFECT 1: The magician shows a 5 Euro cents coin in one hand and a closed empty glass bottle in the other. In an instant, simply by hitting the glass with the coin, it mysteriously ends up inside the bottle.
EFFECT 2: The magician opens a box of matches and from the drawer he takes 1 Euro coin. He closes the box and places the coin on top. Magically the coin penetrates the cover of the box ending up inside it.
• These are just a few of the possible effects with this fantastic tool. You'll find them both explained in the instructions together with a bonus third effect.
•The ring has a diameter of 19mm
In the video, various effects are shown, we supply you just with the gimmick shown in the photo.
In the video, various effects are shown, we supply you just with the gimmick shown in the photo.