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Magnetic ring - Flat - Silver 22
Condition: New product
Αγοράζοντας αυτό το προϊόν μπορείτε να μαζέψετε μέχρι και 1 πόντος επιβράβευσης. Το καλάθι σου θα είναι συνολικά 1 πόντος επιβράβευσης που μπορούν να μετασχηματιστούν σε κουπόνι αξίας 0,10 €.
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EFFECT 1: The magician shows a 5 Euro cents coin in one hand and a closed empty glass bottle in the other. In an instant, simply by hitting the glass with the coin, it mysteriously ends up inside the bottle.
EFFECT 2: The magician opens a box of matches and from the drawer he takes 1 Euro coin. He closes the box and places the coin on top. Magically the coin penetrates the cover of the box ending up inside it.
• These are just a few of the possible effects with this fantastic tool. You'll find them both explained in the instructions together with a bonus third effect.
In the video, various effects are shown, we supply you just with the gimmick shown in the photo.