Peek Encores book Busch
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An in-depth treatise on four revolutionary billets and their many adaptations for the mature, modern mentalist who desires state-of-the-art, in-full-view methods of immediate. invisible information acquisition. No switching, no duplicates, no stealing, and no tearing! Ultra-clean, live-time, instantly accessed information ... at your fingertips.
With the help of clear text on 110 big pages (on the best 32 pound laser paper) and a whopping 175 photos, you will enjoy this format! It is very user friendly. For the voyeur in you, Peek Encores is loaded with the sequential, step-by-step information that will update and surpass previous handlings. It is a breakthrough billet bonanza for mentalists who can no longer afford to handle billets like a magician!
What People Are Saying:
"Busch's Billet may well be the best billet peek ever to see print!"
-Doug Dyment
" ... It works like nothing else I've ever tried in billet work. It has been improved beyond belief. All I can say is what so many others have already said ... you're a genius! You're the greatest!"
-Larry Becker
"Just finished reading Richard Busch's newest work, PEEK ENCORES which firmly establishes Mr. Busch as THE authority on the secret gathering of information via the billet peek. I enjoyed the format of PEEK ENCORES, found it well produced, and even easier to understand than its predecessor. Filled with copious photographs, its 110 pages not only make his devious creations easy to follow, but also give you a flavor of Richard the person...a delightful mensch with a love of Mentalism!!!"
-Bruce Bernstein
"Magnificent! Peek Encores is more than just a sequel to Peek Performances. Rather
than continuing from where PP left off, Peek Encores explores new territory for the serious Billet worker. There are at least two ideas I put to use immediately, and several others I intend to explore more thoroughly when I have the time. The handlings are well-taught with literally hundreds of photographs and explicit instructions. Good job, Richard; you've done it again!"
-John Riggs
" ... a monument in mentalism literature."
-Liz and Leondo
"I received Peek Encores, and can't wait to read it again (well maybe, two more times again)! I rarely right emails on stuff, but felt I had to tell you that Mr. Herrigel, has nothing on you! The thoughtful mindfulness that you have brought to Billet reading is truly astounding. If ever magic was in the details, Peek Encores is the proof of it!
Thanks Richard, for a job well done!"
-Rick Silberman
"I've received your book and, what can I say? ... Congratulations! Very important ideas there! The instructions were written in a very very clear way, easy to follow, in the best way that I have ever read, almost like a live explanation!"
-Leonardo Silverio
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